Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A post not to be posted on butt...

As the Darwinist would like to say, there is so much randomness in the world, of which we are an teeny tiny unlikely possibility...
Well, so why not a random post with a random pic and disturbing title? ;)

Also, there's been a real shortage of visual stuff in this blog, which is weird, me being the visual person that I am! Or so. Anyways...so here it is, a pi pi pi pi piiiiic!

That's the brand new building comin' up right next to where I stay. That's right through my window.
And I hate it!

It blocks all the cool breeze comin' from the garbage dump on the opposite site. Aaaah, I remember those happy days when my room used to stink for a reason other than that of my doing.
Well, it's gone now. I hope the new people have the sophistication to appreciate it.

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