Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today, it's raining...

You know...I don't feel so fun today...'cause it rained...and that put me in a mood of...

And as if that was not enough, I'm listening to Enya.

Rain has always had a funny feeling of bringing peace in my life. Whenever it rains, its like...let go of everything else, forget the problems (not that I have much), and begin life new! Like being born again or something. Most of the times, I just run into it, and get drenched all over. When its the first rain, its 99.999% sure that I'll catch a cold. And it's gonna torture me for at least a month. But I don't care. Nothing compares to that feeling.

There are people who have accomplished so much in their lives. Riches, wealth, property...and whatnot. Then there are people who make just enough to make ends meet - with no idea what tomorrow holds, just trying to make it through today. Then there are the rest...who really struggle...instead of having any idea of how to even push today to tomorrow, they just barely get past yesterdays gone pains...

In all these three, I guess there are people who enjoy one thing...the first rain. I'm one of those people. I got out on today, at night, and it was raining. Man, it felt so good! Its like having a bath the first time after years (I do bath everyday, but you get the point)! I could spice it all up with some new age psycho words like metaphysical experience, or getting one with higher being or some crap like that...but all I'm gonna say about it is that it feels good. It may not be our place to decipher the rest.

No matter how much worldly possessions a man make, most of the happiness is in the simple things. We are not made to rule the world...we are made to enjoy a part of it.
It just feels good.

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