Monday, May 12, 2008

The Priorities of Life

Now this is a topic many of us will have different opinions on.

Today I called a carpenter to fix my furniture. The guy came and started work on the table, and I was sitting there like a dumb monkey trying to make sense of what he is doing.
I have tried this before too. I was certain that if I tried it, I will end up with a dozen of screws remaining, and a modern day piece of art. So I decided to engage in a conversation.

The weather is getting pretty rough, huh?
Its was a drizzle yesterday, and now it is strong winds and rain!

Hmmm...This isn't getting anywhere, and I almost decided to end it there, but my computer was switched off, and there was nothing else to do. I decided to persist (something I almost never do!). After some random talk, gradually he gave in. Anyway, the point of telling all this is that, ultimately, the discussion ended on the topic of priorities of life.

So after he was gone, I got to thinking. Seriously, what should be the proper priorities in life? Is it self satisfaction? money? happiness? power? service to mankind? work for the higher good? If any of these, then in what order?

What I can think of as a rough draft of proper priorities would be:
1) Establish yourself
2) Support your family
3) Support society
4) Look for the meaning of life

May not be the best compilation, but when you think about it, most of what we do in daily life will fall into any of these.
And each of these is another set of stuff to do.Establish yourself will be like having a:
1) Healthy body
2) Enough money. For example, you should have enough to support the daily needs of like 30 people around your place. (Ok, not a good scale to measure financial strength, but at least it gives a region independent way of representing it - Me supporting 30 people around me will be different like a guy in US, or Africa for example, supporting 30 people around them, as the cost of living is different)
3) A pleasant personality(OK, don't burden yourself. You can reduce that as "People should not run screaming once you are in the house")

Once these things are attained , you would be like a cool dude or a cool chick. Then what? Next is to support your family.
Have you imagined how good a place the world would be if people took care of their family.
Seriously, if every Tom, Dick and Harry cared for his family, there would be no trouble, no hunger, no pain and plenty of happiness.
There are going to be many TDH(Tom, Dick or Harry) those who dont care for their family. You got to help out these families. Thats where helping society starts. You gotta do it. Thats the point where humans and animals become separate - Altruism. You dont want to be walking around as an animal, do you? :)

Once all these stuff are attained, and you are an almost satisfied TDH (or Jane, for that matter) the question comes "Now what?"
You can see a lot of rich guys asking that. The higher meaning of life. Why are we here? Whats our purpose? Why are we created, where do we come from , where are we going?
You need plenty of time at hand for that kind of stuff!
So once you are done with all the above things, get into that...It will help many lost souls a meaning. And try not to put the humans in the middle around which everything else revolves around. Be neutral. Know that the universe as we know it is something immensely larger than humans, or life on earth for that matter. Think of how God would be. Think of things other that what I tell you to think of! Lets have some quality philosophers for the 21st century! have it now...the dummy's guide to life! Why do I have to do all the cleaning up in this world!

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