Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Industrial Sky

Its pinkish.
The Sky...


Back in my town, I looked up and couldn't finish counting the stars. Here, in the city, I did.
Eleven of them, and one of them is Venus.

The industrial sky...that's the name I've came up with for it. The industrial smoke rise up, trap and reflect the light from all the neon signs and streetlights back to earth, and it's almost like daylight.

I've always dreamed of building my bedroom with a glass shaped dome in the middle. Perhaps, one day, I will. Or perhaps, I'll go with the cheaper alternative - Sleep on the terrace with a mosquito mat. It all depends on how much money I heap up in the end of the day, my friend.
Anyways, the point is that, it makes no sense to do that in the city. I can sleep with a lot of sound (in fact, I do), but light will sure keeps most of us up. I would have to go back to my place, and build the dome there. Or the mosquito mat fiasco.

Experts say the average surroundings we live in have changed so much since the middle ages. In a book called Timeline, by Micheal Crichton, whackos in the future make a time machine and go to the past, just to get killed (of course, the handsome hero and his beautiful princess survive). When they get there, one of them notices how creepy the silence there is. Like he just went deaf.
And the smart guy in the group then goes on to explain that it is because there are no factories, machines or automobiles anywhere around to make that ambient noise, the one we have subconsciously have adopted in the modern times.
Such is the case of the sky too, I guess. I mean it's still a localized phenomenon, like the silence...its as if you are enclosed in a smoke dome which reflects back the light from the ground.
Hopefully in the future, people will create residential areas with the consideration that the sky has to be clear, and the silence has to be pin drop. Then, I can finally build my dome.

The book is a good sci-fi btw, read it if you get a chance. The movie is okay too, but it doesn't do justice to the book...but again, what book-turned-movie does?

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